

L-R: Neil Evans (Captain) & Tess; Brian Dickison & Jake; Pat Coogan (NZ Team Manager & Judge); Leo Jecentho & Tess; Ian Stevenson & Zac
Congratulations to the
2024 New Zealand
Trans-Tasman Test Team
who will travel to Geelong, Victoria, Australia
to defend the Wayleggo Cup
13-15 September 2024
Team Manager & NZ Judge
Pat Coogan
Scott Hunter & Lucy
Leo Edginton & Roxy
Ben Millar & King
Stuart Child & Diesel
Paul Collins & Sky (non-travelling reserve)
Trans-Tasman Test Series
Since 1985, alternating between the two countries, New Zealand and Australia have competed in a Sheep Dog Trial test series.
Each team is made up of four competitors and their 'heading' dogs, with each country having their own selection process.
The competition is conducted over a special course with its own rules, developed specifically for the Trans-Tasman competition. It is a mix of both New Zealand and Australian rules. The Trans-Tasman course consists of four obstacles – a gate, a maltese cross, a ramp and a pen. Australian rules apply as far as the gate, followed by a NZ drive through the Maltese cross and over the ramp, then back into an Australian carry to the pen. In the New Zealand sections competitors are allowed to assist their dog more than in the Australian section, thus showing their stockman-ship skills.
The course must be completed in 15 minutes. There are two judges, one from each country, whose scores are averaged.
In 1994 the 'Wayleggo' Cup was introduced and presented by the New Zealand Sheep Dog Trial Association, for the competition and has fiercely competed for ever since. The term 'wayleggo' is an abbreviation for the 'come away and let go' command used by musterers and shepherds in New Zealand to call their dogs back from the stock they are working, usually over a very long distance.
Congratulations - New Zealand Team 2023Trans-Tasman Test Series Winners
Pictured here with the prestigious 'Wayleggo Cup'